Text on orange background - Venus ray for unconditional love

All the rays of healing come through spontaneously when needed as they have their own Divine Intelligence.

The Venus Ray

The Venus Ray is overseen by Serapis Bey.

Unconditional Love

The Venus Ray is the ray of unconditional love, Divine Love, totally accepting, non-judgmental and forgiving in its nature. Divine Love sees the Christ energy in all beings and the perfectness of all life everywhere. It sees beyond the current personality, beyond the lessons we are here to learn in this life, to the inner light that is there in all of us.

The Venus Ray opens the heart chakra to help us develop a more loving and accepting nature, with others, and more importantly with ourselves. Until we can love and accept ourselves with all our perceived faults and limitations, we are unable to love any other individual unconditionally.

When we see ourselves with unconditional love, we see this in others too, and we reflect back to them this Love, so that they come to love and respect themselves a little more,

Opening the Heart

Opening our heart in this way helps us to feel connected to all things everywhere; it is the centre of our being, the place or feeling through which we can connect with God/our Higher Selves/ Spirit. It is the centre of our manifestation and life here on Earth as it is our connection to Source, our eternal self.

Where we have closed our heart to protect ourselves from being hurt again, the Venus Ray helps us to open our heart and be ready to give and receive love once more. It helps us feel our own light so we can be more forgiving of ourself and others.

Peace and Contentment

The feeling of Divine Love is the feeling we are all looking for. It makes us feel whole and integrated and at peace with life, without feeling that something is missing. It brings an inner calm and silence as we connect with it in our heart centre. The Venus Ray helps us to feel this; to find Divine Love in our heart, lessening the need to look for it outside of ourselves.

How I Experience the Energy

There is a divine light held in each and every one of us in our heart chakra. I see it as a flame of light or as a precious gem in the heart. When the Venus Ray comes through, it often feels like it is igniting that flame and helping it grow; or it feels like it is polishing up the precious stone, so it shines with light. It has the colour of emerald green with some rose-pink and has a strong effect in my heart chakra.

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