Personal Healing Session
In a personal healing session you will receive Eternal Light Healing and experience the healing power of Light-Life Technology (see below for more information). These two healing modalities work beautifully together, augmenting the healing process and helping you to feel calm and relaxed.
The healing session will begin with a brief consultation, then the healing can be done lying on a therapy couch or sitting in a chair if you would prefer. There will be some quiet background music to help reduce external distractions.
At the beginning of the healing session, I start by placing my fingertips lightly on each side of the head near the temple points. The healing energies will begin to calm and balance your left and right brain. After this I will work mainly in the auric field as the healing energies clear away old energies from the body and auric field.
What does Healing Feel Like?
Every session is different, even for the same person on different occasions, but a healing session is usually experienced as being deeply relaxing, centering and peaceful. When people have healing for the first time, they can be quite surprised at how profound the feeling of these pure energies is. It reaches to a level of experience outside the brain’s normal frame of reference.
Many clients often feel an unusual heat coming from my hands and some can tell where my hands are from this. This is the energy of the Rays of healing. You may experience physical sensations in your body as the energy works to clear your physical body. This could be things such as heat, pressure, tingling or other sensation as everyone is different. They are a great physical indication that the energy is working.
On an emotional level a healing session can help you to feel like you ‘can breathe again’ and move forward from a new perspective. It can bring a sense of greater emotional clarity and inner strength. On a mental level it can help you have new and positive ideas or beliefs about yourself and the world. It can bring a much deeper understanding of your life and situation from a Soul perspective.
On a spiritual level these energies resonate with the deepest part of you, your soul energy. As such they pull that aspect of you forward, releasing things that are not in accordance with it, so that old emotions and limiting thought patterns start to fall away. After a healing session people often find that they have a greater awareness of themselves at a spiritual level, and that their lives start to take on a new dimension of understanding from this place. Often people feel a greater connection to their spirit guides, guardian angel and inner knowing after a session.
Eternal Light Healing
Eternal Light healing goes beyond Reiki, comprising of 12 different rays, each with a specific quality. It is a non-invasive and powerful healing tool that can help with stress situations, emotional shocks, trauma, fear and anxiety. It helps bring clarity in complex situations and facilitates your personal growth. It is a very nourishing experience and after a session clients feel safe, pampered, peaceful and energised.
To find out more about this powerful system of healing see the Eternal Light Healing page.
Light-Life Technology
Light-Life Tools must be experienced to be believed! In a healing session, they can be placed around the body to facilitate deep rejuvenation.
These incredible healing tools are made of copper, silver and gold. They focus life-force energy (chi or qi) into an energy field that raises the vibrational frequency of all that is in it. This brings healing, wellbeing and balance on the emotional, mental and physical levels of our being.
They were invented by Slim Spurling, a modern-day alchemist; a man dubbed by Drunvalo Melchizedek as ‘The Merlin of the Modern Day’. To understand more about these amazing healing tools, see the Light-Life Technology page.
After the Session
After a healing session the healing energies will continue to be working on you for some time. Many clients experience profound shifts after the session or have unusually profound dreams. Every person has a different experience so what will happen will be specific to you. These healing rays work under the direction of your spirit or higher self who knows you intimately, so it will be perfect for you in that moment.
I would recommend having a journal or dream diary to make a note of any insights and realisations you may have had. Just the simple act of writing them down can help to ‘ground’ them within you, to make them more conscious within you. Doing so often has the effect of bringing back to mind things that occurred in the session that you may have forgotten. When we go to a deep place in a session, we are at a different level of consciousness. Bringing understandings and feelings back from this place can be likened to bringing back memories from dreamscapes; they can be elusive. Finding a quiet space after your session, even if only briefly, to help recall what happened can be useful in this way. Furthermore, it can be good to look back at later.
Cleansing can occur on an emotional and physical level. On a physical level, these healing energies raise the vibrations of the body. I would recommend allowing your body to cleanse a little after your session if you feel drawn to do so.
Emotional – When a profound emotional shift is made in a session it is always advisable to give yourself time after the session to allow yourself to integrate what has occurred; give yourself time to feel the new feeling, to practice it, before you head back into the busyness of life.
Flower & Crystal Essences
Flower & crystal essences carry the energetic frequency of flowers and crystals. These energies can heal old emotions and negative belief patterns. Each bottle can take you on a journey of healing and deep inner change.
They are fantastic tools for change that can be used between healing sessions. If you would like a recommendation as to which one might be most helpful for you, this is available as part of a personal healing session. To find out more see the Flower & Crystal Essences page.
Meet Me
Rachel Cremnitz
Healing of all kinds and reconnection with Great Spirit has been the central focus of my life. In my practice I help to clear the subtle bodies, align people with their soul path, help people remember their spirit and to find hope and peace. I have been working directly with spirit and with these healing modalities for over 25 years for inner healing, spiritual awakening and personal development. I am based near Diss in Norfolk.