My Story
My shadow side in this lifetime has been my self-doubt, lack of confidence and the anxiety this has caused me. These are my deepest ‘wounds’ and that I have carried with me over many lifetimes, and I believe I have come to work with them in this lifetime to clear them from my Soul energy as much as I can.
I love this journey as it brings me closer to Spirit, to the deeper Love of my Soul energy. It obliges me to go to the source of all my strength, compassion, confidence, and joy, found in the Spirit within me.
In my view this the journey we are all on in our human forms here on this planet; to let go of our limiting beliefs and remember our Soul energy, the infinite spirit that runs within us, so that we learn to live on earth happily, in peace and kindness to all, and create on earth the Eden we all want in our hearts for this world to be.
Like many children, I had many spiritual experiences that were normal to me at the time. These were a big part of my inner life but not shared with anyone.
As I grew up, finding my way in the world felt very difficult until my mid-twenties when I came across healing energies and the spiritual understanding that went with them.
These beautiful healing energies helped me release the emotional pain I was carrying and gave me strength and clarity to step I needed. They set me on a path of conscious self-development and healing that has helped find a deeper inner confidence and understanding of my life that has helped me ever since.
I learned how to work with my anxiety, self-doubt, low self-esteem and many other emotions and beliefs, so that I could not just ‘cope’ with painful feelings but release them forever by growing through and beyond them.
It also became clear to me how the difficult things that I faced within myself and in my life, were just a part of my deeper spiritual journey, my inner journey to wholeness, my Soul Path.
Understanding this meant I could see how I could create more of what I wanted in my life. This gave me a deep sense of empowerment; I had been put back in the driver’s seat of my life.
Becoming a Healer
Deeply inspired, I took many initiations into the healing rays of Reiki, followed by the more comprehensive Eternal Light Healing system. Eternal Light healing are the powerful rays of healing that I work with today.
Working with these beautiful energies helped me to move from anxiety and low self-esteem towards greater happiness, confidence and self-empowerment in my life.
I still work on myself with these healing energies every day as I continue my journey towards greater love and peace in my life.
Life isn’t always easy but having the tools and understanding to get through the difficult times and find inner healing makes all the difference.
I know I have had many lives as a healer using channelled healing energy, crystal energy or doing sound healing using very specific pitches to move people through the dimensions.
But I have also had lives in which I was persecuted for being a white witch by being drowned or burnt. Also, I remember the intense pain, rejection and feeling of failure when I couldn’t save someone, especially those I loved.
Many lifetimes later I am returning to these skills. It is a journey I find very fulfilling, and I am very grateful to be doing it.
Training as a Healer
Eternal Light Healing: In 1994 I began training as a healer with Shimara Kumara for 10 years coming to understand life more deeply. I was initiated into Reiki I and II, followed by 12 initiations into the rays of the Eternal Light Healing system. Shimara is an international healer, teacher, and the founder of the Academy of Eternal Light Healing.
Flower & Crystal Essences: I took a 2-year diploma course at the College of Vibrational Medicine studying the principles of health and disease as described by Dr Edward Bach. As a registered Flower & Crystal Essence Practitioner (Dip CVM) I worked for Crystal Herbs Ltd, a wonderful company founded by Shimara that makes Flower, Gem and Crystal Essences for deep healing and Spiritual growth.
Meditation Teacher Training: I trained as a Heart Imagery Meditation Teacher with Daniel Mitel at The School of the Heart to learn how to help others access their Sacred Space of the Heart.
Light-Life Technology: I have more recently started working with these incredible tools that you can discover on my Light-Life Technology page.
Training in Bodywork
At the beginning of my journey I began by learning about how the physical body heals and the connection between our Spirit and our physical body. I studied various forms of healing through bodywork inspired by the work of John Upledger and his work on Somato-Emotional release; releasing emotional trauma through bodywork. However, my path was eventually to take me towards working purely with the subtle energy of life and healing energy (vibrational) medicine.
Osteopathy. I took two years of osteopathic training at the British College of Naturopathy and Osteopathy (BCNO). This degree course included the study of naturopathic healing techniques and nutrition. After two years however i knew I wanted to work with subtle energy and I studied further subtle energy healing techniques.
Shiatzu & Acupressure. I took a qualifications in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shiatzu Anma Massage and Seated Acupressure Massage.
Reiki Massage I worked as a Reiki Massage Therapist in London and experienced how the healing energies were releasing emotions held in the physical tissues of the body, bringing deep physical healing and the lasting change we were looking for.
The Masters
I cannot describe my journey without mention of the many beloved masters and teachers who have been helping me and teaching me all my life, some of whom are in incarnation and some of whom have been teaching me from their books and from their spirits. I love them so much and I owe them all my understanding. My many masters and teachers include Drunvalo Melchizedek (in Sedona), Mother Meera (in Germany), Sri Yukteswar, Paramahansa Yogananda, Mahavatar Babaji, Sri Ramakrishna, Mata Amritanandamayi, Anastasia (in Russia), Lorna Byrne (in Ireland), and many more.
Outside of Work
You may find me dancing or walking in nature, gardening, or spending time with family and friends. Our children are now grown and I live in Norfolk with my husband Sam Cremnitz (director of Crystal Herbs, healer & teacher).
Love and blessings,